issue-#100 Controls documentation

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issue-#100 Controls documentation

Post by DGDanforth »

I just noticed two errors in the documentation for Controls
PROCEDURE DepositRadioButton
Allocate a new command button using dir.NewPushButton and deposit it.

PROCEDURE DepositListBox
Allocate a new radio button using dir.NewRadioButton and deposit it.
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Josef Templ
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Re: Controls documentation

Post by Josef Templ »

Doug, do you have all the prerequisites to work with the repository by now?

The first step would be to create a branch named issue-#100,
because it is related to cleaning up the documentation.

The second step would be to clone the repository and switch to the branch issue-#100.
For that step you need a git client on your local machine.
I recommend using 'Tortoise Git' under Windows.

- Josef
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Re: issue-#100 Controls documentation

Post by Ivan Denisov »

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Re: issue-#100 Controls documentation

Post by DGDanforth »

Ivan Denisov wrote:I added the branch and the changes ... 2db74b3ae8
Thanks guys. I am still getting up to speed.
I do have Tortoise git on my machine but do not yet know how to use it.
What is the top level .exe?

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Josef Templ
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Re: issue-#100 Controls documentation

Post by Josef Templ »

There is no top-level .exe.
Tortoise-git integrates into the Windows Explorer and provides you with
new context menus.

All you need to do is install it and then press mouse-right on a folder or in a folder.
You will see new context menus depending on the contents.

- Josef
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Re: issue-#100 Controls documentation

Post by DGDanforth »

Josef Templ wrote:There is no top-level .exe.
Tortoise-git integrates into the Windows Explorer and provides you with
new context menus.

All you need to do is install it and then press mouse-right on a folder or in a folder.
You will see new context menus depending on the contents.

- Josef
Yes, I can see that but it does not clarify things for me.
If I wish to, say, modify the documentation of a BB file which I have cloned then editing that file (which has new icon) does what? Does it change its icon to modified? If so then what is the next step to get that change back to the git repository on the central server?
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Re: issue-#100 Controls documentation

Post by Josef Templ »


before making any changes you need to switch to the right branch.
When you clone a repository you have the option to switch to a specific branch.
I don't know if you did this or not.
In any case you can mouse-right click on the cloned repository folder and select
Tortoise Git->Switch/Checkout.
I guess you want to work on branch issue-#100.

The interesting thing is that Ivan already committed to this branch.
Anyway, it is not yet fixed completely as far as I understand it.
The question is which version you cloned. The very last one from Ivan or the previous one?

Can you check this?
If you have the latest version, OK.
If not, remove your clone and get a new one. That's the simplest way.
And then switch to issue-#100 when cloning.

For making a change you need to change a file. This is not done by Tortoise
but by a text editor, e.g. by BlackBox itself.
So you need a running BlackBox that is used as an editor.
You can use any instance of BlackBox for that purpose.
You can also use an instance that is started with the /USE option pointing to the clone.
This is the way I used to work: I use a template batch file that I copy into the cloned directory
and this bb.bat starts my BB with a USE option as shown below:

start /b C:\Programme\"BlackBox Component Builder 1.7"\BlackBox.exe /USE . /NOSCROLL

(note the . after /USE. It is a relative path and it is a fairly
new feature invented by luowy. This feature makes it possible that an unmodified
template bb.bat file can be prepared that is simply copied into the clone directory)

Now you can make your changes by starting BlackBox.exe and modifiying the files you
want to modify and everything is stored in the clone directory.

Then you use Tortoise-Git for 'committing' the changes.
This moves the changes from the working directory into the cloned repository for archiving revisions.
Click mouse-right and select Tortoise-Git->Commit.
Check the files that are affected.
The commit message should look like this:

header line. Refs: #100.
additional text
additional text


After you have committed the changes they are still in your local repository!
You can create any number of commits but you cannot remove a commit.
You can only overwrite your last commit with the 'amend' option.

When you are finished you can 'Push' all the changes to the origin.
This transfers all your local commits back to where the clone came from.
Make sure that you are pushing the right branch.
This is dangerous. You could push back to master if you are not careful.
What you want to do is to push back to issue-#100. Never to master.

That's it. It looks horrible and it was horrible to figure it out but
after you have done it a couple of times it takes only a few minutes (or even seconds) of overhead
(but it is still annoying that some of the steps cannot be automated easily).

- Josef
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Re: issue-#100 Controls documentation

Post by DGDanforth »

The question is which version you cloned. The very last one from Ivan or the previous one?

Can you check this?
How do I check this?
I have a directory call C:\Dgd\Git in which the cloned files reside (It should probably be called BBGit).
Using my GUI Git shortcut I can pop up the Git but from that I don't see any way to determine
what branch was cloned. How do I do that?

(Thank you for the long explanation, I will have to go back to that frequently. I have copied it to a BB file)
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Re: issue-#100 Controls documentation

Post by DGDanforth »

This moves the changes from the working directory into the cloned repository for archiving revisions.
So let me see if I have this right. There are actually 3 locations for a file. (1) some arbitrary directory on my machine, (2) the clone directory on my machine, and (3) the server branch directory.
One works on (1) then uses Git to update (commit) to (2) and once happy with all those changes uses Git to "Push" the changes to (3)? Is that correct?

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Josef Templ
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Re: issue-#100 Controls documentation

Post by Josef Templ »

You can use Tortoise Git->Show Log with a mouse-right click on your clone directory.
Then you see what has been committed.

If the topmost change was "Controls documentation fixed by Douglas Danforth" this was the start of the fix committed by Ivan.

If it is not there, you can clone a new repo or you can pull the changes from the origin to your clone by means of

- Josef
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