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issue-#85 Trap in DevDependencies with long module names

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:02 am
by Josef Templ
Another issue with respect to avoiding a trap.
In DevDependencies there are undoable operations that contain the module name as part of the operation name,
which is defined as Stores.OpName = ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;

The solution proposed in CPC 1.7 rc5 is to enlarge Stores.OpName from 32 to 80 characters.
The side effect of this solution is that the undo/redo stacks then use about twice as much memory as before.

The obvious alternative is to shorten the resulting operation name in DevDependencies.
This would be a local change in a rarely used module as opposed to a global change in a very basic module (Stores)
I would actually prefer this latter variant. In addition, this change could be used for another little improvement:
The subsystem name or the module name in the operation name should be quoted in order to make it explicit that
it is an argument of the Expand resp. Collapse operation.
An Undo command for collapsing a module with a very long module name then would look like:

Code: Select all

Undo Collapse "VeryLongModuleName..."
A similar approach is also used for example in 'Info -> Search In Sources', where the resulting Window is
shown in the Windows menu as:

Code: Select all

Search for "VeryLongSearchString..."
For the issue see
For the variant with the local change in DevDependencies see ... 71e8fed600.

- Josef

Re: issue-#85 Trap in DevDependencies with long module names

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:04 pm
by Josef Templ
Comments on this issue are welcome.
If there are no comments, we should move on with the voting.

- Josef

Re: issue-#85 Trap in DevDependencies with long module names

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 9:02 am
by Robert
I am happy with this proposed solution.


Re: issue-#85 Trap in DevDependencies with long module names

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:24 pm
by Zinn
In my opinion this topic is ready for voting.

Re: issue-#85 Trap in DevDependencies with long module names

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:18 am
by Josef Templ
> I have no interest in module names greater than 32 characters and would not want to condone their use. Or am I missing something?

A comment to Chris' posting:

I basically agree that there is no need to put any effort into supporting very long module names.
The situation in DevDependencies is a little bit more complicated, though.
There is a total limit of 32 chars for undo/redo command names. For DevDependencies there are commands of the form
'Undo Expand <moduleName>', thus the module name limit is much shorter than 32 and if we also consider localizations to other languages the limit may be even lower. In German, for example, 'Undo' is typically translated as 'Rückgängig".
This is the reason why I think the change is justified.

- Josef

Re: issue-#85 Trap in DevDependencies with long module names

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:40 am
by cfbsoftware
Ok, sorry - I see - thanks for the explanation. I misunderstood the title. If it had have been something like "Trap in DevDependencies with long commands" I might have not jumped to the wrong conclusion.