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Re: Issue #20 Communications

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:25 am
by DGDanforth
We are not yet there.
Switching off all notifications is not the right thing to go.

I was only able to find the code for "Group" notifications.
That is not the right concept.

Under Options should be: Send body of post via email.
That option should be available for each Discussion Topic and each Feature Topic.

I don't know php so modifying the phpBB code that I did find would be a long process for me.
I also do not know how to place that code on our phpBB server to install it.


Re: Issue #20 Communications

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:28 am
by Ivan Denisov
DGDanforth wrote:We are not yet there.
Switching off all notifications is not the right thing to go.

I was only able to find the code for "Group" notifications.
That is not the right concept.

Under Options should be: Send body of post via email.
That option should be available for each Discussion Topic and each Feature Topic.

I don't know php so modifying the phpBB code that I did find would be a long process for me.
I also do not know how to place that code on our phpBB server to install it.

Doug, we can tune this a bit later if Center will support this idea. Now we should vote for this... I against the idea about sending all messages by the email. But I like this MOD and it is very good to have ability to send some message to everybody by email. For example, messages about voting or new bugs.

Re: Issue #20 Communications

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:34 am
by DGDanforth
Ivan Denisov wrote: I do not agree with Doug, that each message should be mailed, because this really can abuse during the working day.
We are striving for:
o email only those posts in Topics which user specifies

That does not 'abuse' anymore than the BlackBox mailing list 'abused' us.
Why use that word?

Re: Issue #20 Communications

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:36 am
by DGDanforth
Ivan Denisov wrote: Doug, we can tune this a bit later if Center will support this idea. Now we should vote for this...
I agree we need to vote on this. That makes two. Do we have a third?


Re: Issue #20 Communications

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:38 am
by cfbsoftware
Yes - we do need a vote. I'm still getting these messages even though I have unsubscribed from the topic. :(

Re: Issue #20 Communications

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:44 am
by Ivan Denisov
We have three options (my DRAFT vision).
- we should not change forum (remove Group notice MOD)
- we can use group notification for all center members for important Center questions (default Group notice MOD)
- we should make duplicates of all posts to emails (modify Group notice MOD)

Re: Issue #20 Communications

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:53 am
by cfbsoftware
Users should not receive ANY emails for topics and / or subforums they have not subscribed to, and the system should respect their email settings whatever the final decision is.

Re: Issue #20 Communications

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:57 am
by DGDanforth
cfbsoftware wrote:Users should not receive ANY emails for topics and / or subforums they have not subscribed to, and the system should respect their email settings whatever the final decision is.

Re: Issue #20 Communications

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:59 am
by Ivan Denisov
cfbsoftware wrote:Users should not receive ANY emails for topics and / or subforums they have not subscribed to, and the system should respect their email settings whatever the final decision is.
Chris, as a Center member you took some responsibility for such testing. This is working moment, please, do not worry. It was necessary to test this system a bit and you was a part of that. Thank you for your contribution, you detected that settings in profile do not work and exposed opinion against any obligatory emails. I think that we will not use this ability for some time before voting now.

Re: Issue #20 Communications

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 6:03 am
by DGDanforth
Ivan Denisov wrote:We have three options (my DRAFT vision).
- we should not change forum (remove Group notice MOD)
- we can use group notification for all center members for important Center questions (default Group notice MOD)
- we should make duplicates of all posts to emails (modify Group notice MOD)
I slightly disagree.

The vote should be based on Issue#20 as I stated it.
Group notification is only a stop gap measure, not to be used in the final version.

We are open to modification of Issue#20 but the vote would be to accept it nor not accept it.