issue-#95 TextMapper Scanner & SETS

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issue-#95 TextMapper Scanner & SETS

Post by Robert »

The Scanner interprets "{2, 3 6}" as the legal set {2, 3, 6}.

Curiously the compiler recognises the first form as "illegal".

I don't have a fix, but I am working on one.

Please advise me if this is an old bug with a known fix.


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Re: TextMapper Scanner & SETS

Post by Robert »

{"2, 3, 6,}" is also regarded as legal!
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Re: TextMapper Scanner & SETS

Post by Robert »

I have been copying this routine into version that reads a String, rather than a Text. My copy was not working, and it took me some time to realise that the original did not work correctly either!

I now have a working (I think) String version. I hesitate to suggest it as a model to correct the TextMappers Scanner as it looks like horrible style. It looks like an incomprehensible, unmaintainable, unstructured state machine, probably because it is an incomprehensible, unmaintainable, unstructured state machine. Modern structured languages do not seem well suited to implementing state machines.

Maybe someone has a more elegant solution?

Code: Select all

    j, n, m, state  :  INTEGER;
    ch              :  CHAR;

      ch  :=  txt [j]; INC (j)
    END  Get;

      WHILE  ch = ' '  DO  ch  :=  txt [j]; INC (j)  END
    END  Skip;

  PROCEDURE  Cardinal () : INTEGER;
       n  :  INTEGER;
      n   :=  ORD (ch) - ORD ('0'); Get;
      IF  ('0' <= ch)  &  (ch <= '9')  THEN
        n   :=  10 * n + ORD (ch) - ORD ('0'); Get
      Skip; RETURN  n
    END  Cardinal;

    j  :=  0; Get; Skip; IF ch # '{'  THEN  RETURN  FALSE  END;
    Get; Skip; set  :=  {}; state  :=  0;
      CASE  ch  OF
        ','      :  IF  state  IN  {1, 3}  THEN  Get; Skip; state  := 4
                                           ELSE  RETURN  FALSE  END
      | '.'      :  IF  state # 1  THEN  RETURN  FALSE  END;
                    IF  ch  #  '.'  THEN  RETURN  FALSE  END;
                    Get; Skip; state  :=  2
      | '}'      :  IF  ~(state  IN  {0, 1, 3})  THEN  RETURN  FALSE  END;
                    Get; Skip; RETURN  ch  =  0X
      | '0'..'9' :  IF  ODD (state)  THEN  RETURN  FALSE  END;
                    IF  state = 2  THEN
                      m  :=  Cardinal (); 
                      IF  (m  < n)  OR  (m > MAX (SET))  THEN  RETURN  FALSE  END;
                      WHILE  m > n  DO  INCL (set, m); DEC (m)  END;
                      state  :=  3
                      n  :=  Cardinal ();
                      IF  n  >  MAX (SET)  THEN  RETURN  FALSE  END;
                      INCL (set, n); state  :=  1
  END  TxtToSet;
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Re: TextMapper Scanner & SETS

Post by Robert »

I enclose a possible solution in the first listing below. I have given it a new name so it can temporarily coexist with the old routine. To use the new one change "Set" to "Sett" once inside the routine TextMappers.Scan in the line "IF interpretSets IN s.opts THEN Set(s) ELSE Char(s) END".

The second listing is a test module with results. I write 7 "Sets" into a Text, of which three are invalid. The current routine only recognises one as invalid. The new routine works correctly on all these cases.

These seven lines are the only strings I have tested it on!

Code: Select all

	PROCEDURE Sett (VAR s: Scanner);
		VAR n, m, state: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
		s.type := set; Get(s, ch); s.Skip(ch); s.set := {}; state := 0;
			CASE ch OF
				',' : IF state  IN {1, 3} THEN Get(s, ch); s.Skip(ch); state := 4
						ELSE s.type := invalid; EXIT END
			|	'.' : IF  state # 1 THEN s.type := invalid; EXIT END;
					Get(s, ch); IF ch # '.' THEN s.type := invalid; EXIT END;
					Get(s, ch); s.Skip(ch); state  :=  2
			|	'}' : IF state IN {0, 1, 3} THEN Get(s, ch) ELSE s.type := invalid END; EXIT
			|	'0'..'9' : IF ODD (state) THEN s.type := invalid; EXIT END;
					Cardinal(s,m); s.Skip(ch);
					IF m > MAX(SET) THEN s.type := invalid; EXIT END;
					IF state = 2 THEN
						IF m  < n THEN s.type := invalid; EXIT END;
						WHILE m > n DO INCL(s.set, m); DEC(m) END;
						state := 3
						INCL(s.set, m); n := m; state := 1
				s.type := invalid; EXIT
	END Sett;
>>> The code above has been updated to a slightly simpler version 6-Oct-2015 <<<

Code: Select all

MODULE TestScanner;

(*  Robert Campbell,  *)

		TextMappers, TextModels, Log := StdLog;

		text: TextModels.Model;
		fmtr: TextMappers.Formatter;
		sc: TextMappers.Scanner;
		text := TextModels.dir.New();
		fmtr.WriteString ('{1, 13, 17, 22}'); fmtr.WriteLn;
		fmtr.WriteString ('{2, 13..17, 22}'); fmtr.WriteLn;
		fmtr.WriteString ('{3, 13, 17 22}'); fmtr.WriteLn;
		fmtr.WriteString ('{4, 13, 17, 22,}'); fmtr.WriteLn;
		fmtr.WriteString ('{5, 13, 17, A}'); fmtr.WriteLn;
		fmtr.WriteString ('{6}'); fmtr.WriteLn;
		fmtr.WriteString ('{}'); fmtr.WriteLn;

		sc.ConnectTo (text);
		sc.SetOpts ({TextMappers.interpretSets});
		WHILE sc.type # TextMappers.eot DO
			CASE sc.type OF
				TextMappers.char : Log.String('Character : '); Log.Char(sc.char); Log.Ln
			|	TextMappers.string : Log.String('String : ' + sc.string); Log.Ln
			| : Log.String('Integer :  ' ); Log.Int(; Log.Ln
			|	TextMappers.set : Log.Set(sc.set); Log.Ln
			|	TextMappers.invalid : Log.String('Invalid ! '); Log.Ln
	END Do;

	END TestScanner.



OMS Scanner:
 {1, 13, 17, 22}
 {2, 13..17, 22}
 {3, 13, 17, 22}
 {4, 13, 17, 22}
Invalid ! 
String : A
Character : }

Suggested modified Scanner:
 {1, 13, 17, 22}
 {2, 13..17, 22}
Invalid ! 
Integer :   22
Character : }
Invalid ! 
Character : }
Invalid ! 
String : A
Character : }
Last edited by Robert on Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Josef Templ
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Re: TextMapper Scanner & SETS

Post by Josef Templ »

The TextMappers docu says that it can scan sets in the CP notation.
As far as I see, it does not explicitly mention any error behavior.
So, in a sense the current implementation is correct because it
does scan sets in the CP notation indeed.
It may well be that ominc introduced the "error tolerance" (ignoring separation characters)
for the convenience of the users. Note that such a scanner is typically used for processing
command arguments to by typed in by the user.
I would certainly not introduce a fix as complicated as the one that has been proposed.

- Josef
Ivan Denisov
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Re: TextMapper Scanner & SETS

Post by Ivan Denisov »

There is Strings.Valid procedure. Maybe we can add Strings.ValidSet procedure with Robert's algorithm?
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Re: TextMapper Scanner & SETS

Post by Robert »

Josef Templ wrote:The TextMappers docu says that it can scan sets in the CP notation.
As far as I see, it does not explicitly mention any error behavior.
So, in a sense the current implementation is correct ....
Actually it says it will recognise them. Some invalid sets are flagged with the the scanner type invalid because they have not been recognised as valid. So this "recognise as valid" function is already there, it is just that it does not work correctly - so, in my opinion, is a bug. Ok, not the most serious bug on the planet!
I would certainly not introduce a fix as complicated as the one that has been proposed.
Yes, my suggestion is a bit complicated. Probably someone has a better approach.
But to put it in context it is only 1 line more than the incorrect Oms implementation. And I have a slight simplification which saves that line!

>>> Previous listing updated to include this (minor) simplification. <<<
Last edited by Robert on Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ivan Denisov
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Re: TextMapper Scanner & SETS

Post by Ivan Denisov »

I agree with Robert, to have a check is better than not to have. This place does not require hight performance.

Josef, why you do not like format checking? The same story as it was with Utf8 conversion :)
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Re: TextMapper Scanner & SETS

Post by Zinn »

Dear Robert, dear Ivan,
please have a look from the other side of the sky.

It is not a bug - it is a future.
Never hear about a fault tolerant system?

The routine is not used inside a compiler where this kind of errors should be detect.
It is used interactively by user input where auto correction are welcome.

The user types a set of data. Why should he do all the stuff again by a missing comma?

The original solution is more convince.
- Helmut
Ivan Denisov
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Re: TextMapper Scanner & SETS

Post by Ivan Denisov »

The errors of input syntax is a signal that there can be errors in data input. This case is not the place for the fault tolerance. At least system should generate warning message.
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